Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Utah
Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Utah

Thank Offering


The Thank Offering has long been a tradition of Presbyterian Women. It has provided and continues to provide much-needed financial assistance to numerous worthwhile programs not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support. Each year, domestic and international projects are carefully and prayerfully selected by the Creative Ministries Offering Committee to help meet a crucial need. Forty percent (40%) of this offering is used to support hospitals and community health programs that place priority in helping the most needy members of God's community. The remaining sixty percent (60%) is used for new creative ideas for mission, undesignated in advance. The generosity of Presbyterian women and their families and congregations as demonstrated through their Thank Offering gifts help chosen recipients find real solutions for projects related to health, education, economic development, and needs of women and children. Please get your congregation's Thank Offering moneys to Mary VanScoyk by the middle of



The offering funds projects such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women's concerns.  At least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world.  The remaining 60 percent funds new creative ideas for mission. 




PW Moderator

Loyda Kremes 

Wasatch Presbyterian



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