Children's nurture and well-being have always been concerns of Presbyterian Women, but especially now, since the PC(USA) has launched a global/national campaign to strengthen quality education for a million children by 2020. Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA) will make children's education a focus of PW's work during the 2015–2018 triennium, partnering with the PC(USA) in its Educate a Child initiative. Because many peace and justice issues—poverty, discrimination, abuse, violence, exploitation, marginalization, imprisonment, unequal access to opportunity—are related to lack of education, PW's Churchwide Coordinating Team urges each PW group to join the church’s education effort. What better way to witness to the promise of God's realm than to meet the needs of children as they are developing? To this end, PW will hold Together in Action Days May 2–8, 2016, around the issue of children's literacy. These days coincide with Children's Book Week. PW groups are invited to plan activities for the week and for the longer term. Where to start: